
I, myself. Where does the boundary between myself and the other lies?
It is a fundamental question for us, living in a society with others.

From stone tools to iPhones, technologies have extending the meaning of “me/ us” at all times and places.
As time goes by, we can do more and more things than before.
Our voices and thoughts can reach anywhere regardless of the distance and our positions.
With Google Maps, the world is in our hands.
With technology, our society becomes more convenient and border-free than ever.

This expansion of possibilities, however, makes the border between us and the other more ambiguous.

Are “the voices on the Internet”, the tweets, really “our” voices?
Are the “Featured Recommendations” of Amazon really the things we want?
Who is the robot attending the meeting as our proxy?
How can we find something as “ourselves”?

In Japan, there is a word “自分 (ji-bun, (my)self)”,
which consists of two Chinese characters, “distinguish (分)” and “oneself (自).”

Through works with the concept of “Watashi Extension”,
iii Exhibition 2015 tries to consider such ambiguous boundary between us (自分 or わたし(watashi)) and the other,
in other words us and the technologies extending the concept of “us”.